Hi everybody! Long time no post right?! I have some amazing news! Guess where I am posting this right now...? IN JAPAN!!! I've been here for 1 week and will be here or another 4! I went with a christian organization called campus crusade for Christ. We go all over the world and spread the good news about Jesus to people on campus! I'm having an amazing time getting to know students and seeing God change their hearts so that they will want to know about Jesus! Also, the city itself is amazing! There are a lot of differences here...more than I thought! one really cool difference is that all of japan recycles...it's like a law! So there are like 6 different trash cans separated by burnable, nonburnable, plastic, pet bottles and something else. The air here is so fresh and clean which is so unlike america. My Japanese is improving which is great! Now about the fashion...oh man does this country know how to dress!!! I was so shocked how everybody here has some kind of style! You have the really extreme goth rockers, the super cute lolitas, the mod dressers, the hipsters and a combination of all but everybody dresses nice here! Yesterday I went shopping in Harajuku and bought so many clothes I should feel guilty but totally dont!!!LOL! Last week I went to Shibuya 109 in Shibuya. For those of you who aren't like freaking out about what I just said Shibuya 109 is like the fashion hotspot in Japan! I read about it in a magazine in High school and told myself I would go there one day and I finally did!!! Sunday I went to a Japanese church and almost cried when we started singing and praying in Japanese! It's so amazing seeing God move here. Saturday we helped out with a homeless ministry in the park. Like...over 50 homeless people come to this park every morning and we give out food and drink have a small sermon then the homeless split into small groups to discuss what the sermon was about. I got to give my testimony along with two other people in my group. It was incredible! The homeless in Japan are so kind and dont ask for money which is so different from the homeless in America. They were so humble and kind and thanked us for sharing and helping out. It's really sad though because at first glance you cant even tell they are homeless because they are so ashamed of it they still wear their work clothes and carry around a briefcase! But all in all an amazing first week. Today, I went to campus along with three other people and we met two girls in a hip hop dance group who we talked with for about two hours!! It was so much fun and we planned to have lunch tomorrow! but I think I've written a novels worth of stuff so far...lol I'll post more as time allows.